on Saturday 6th November. The event starts at 18:30.
A night of loud live music from 3 great bands in support of raising money for Bristol Mind.
Deep Sea Thieves
Bristol based rock trio Deep Sea Thieves bring a mix of punchy, hard-hitting riffs and dreamy undertones.
Rusty Cages
This is the first live outing for the newly formed 4 piece tribute to the legend that was Chris Cornell. Bringing you music from Audioslave, Soundgarden and Temple of the dog, expect catchy beats, big bass groves, massive guitar tone and screaming vocals.
Alice In Chains tribute band based in Wales UK, bringing you the sound and feel of Seattle's finest.
Tickets are £8 pre booked or £10 on the door, venue is limited to 100 capacity so pre book to save disappointment. All proceeds for the night are being donated to Bristol Mind.