Prolonged Grief / The Loved&Lost Project at Uni of Bristol (Humanities Lecture Theatre, 7 Woodland Rd)
Event Cancelled

A event on Tuesday 12th May. The event starts at 10:00.

This event is part of Good Grief Bristol, A Festival of Love and Loss. 11-17 May 2020 (

This event covers two topics.

1) The Loved&Lost Photography Project, with Simon Bray
Simon Bray will first present on his creative project Loved&Lost. Through photography, Simon invites participants to consider their experiences of grief by re-staging a family photograph to reveal how photos and our connection to place can help us better understand grief.

2) Complicated or Prolonged Grief: Oxford Grief Study Results with Dr Kirsten Smith
Second, Dr Kirsten Smith will present the main findings of The Oxford Grief Study, which was designed to investigate the biological and psychological processes that can accompany emotional pain, especially complicated grief, which can lead to Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD).

Note on conference tickets

Conference events can be booked individually. If you'd prefer to buy a whole-conference pass (£100 + booking fee) or a conference day ticket (£35 + booking fee), visit our Conference Tickets page.

Concessions are available for those under 18; aged 65 or older; students with valid ID; unwaged people; and people with disabilities. Registered carers are free when accompanying a ticket holder (please contact Good Grief to arrange).

Entry requirements:

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