Grief in Literature at Uni of Bristol (Humanities Lecture Theatre, 7 Woodland Rd)
Event Cancelled

A event on Monday 11th May. The event starts at 11:00.

This session covers two topics.

Dr Lesel Dawson will examine grief in English Literature, exploring writers such as Ben Jonson, Alfred Tennyson, Elizabeth Bishop and Michel Faber. She investigates the relationship between creativity and grief and considers how expressions of loss are influenced by wider cultural ideas about mourning and death.

Dr Mimi Thebo will consider writing on grief for younger readers. Young people go through grief without prior experience of it and without knowledge of its rituals and its language. Dr Thebo, herself a skilled storyteller whose writing has been described as ‘Empathetic, vivid and humane’ by the Sunday Times, discusses the technical difficulties of writing grief, death and loss for young people in an event filled with beautiful writing and frank discussion.

Note on conference tickets

Conference events can be booked individually. If you'd prefer to buy a whole-conference pass (£100 + booking fee) or a conference day ticket (£35 + booking fee), visit our Conference Tickets page.

This session lasts for an hour.

Entry requirements:

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