Frankenstein at The Wardrobe Theatre

A event held at The Wardrobe Theatre on Tuesday 6th May. The event starts at 19:30.

Frankenstein (On A Budget) features one actor, some decidedly dodgy backdrops, lots of weather based puns, plenty of cardboard props and more hats than you can throw a stick at. Can our ill fated doctor build his monstrous creation, play 25 characters, sing a lot of songs, attempt accents from across the world, perform a dance routine, and ultimately save the day in just 60 minutes?

From the creators of the hit comedy action adventure musical War of the Worlds (On A Budget).

Featuring a full soundtrack of brand new music, with incredible cardboard creations and characters inspired by Mary Shelley and Boris Karloff, Frankenstein (On A Budget) is the comedy musical hammer horror homage that you didn’t know you needed.

“A small gem.”
Dara Ó Briain

“So funny! So clever! So good!”
★★★★★ Musical Talk

“A comedic triumph.”
★★★★★ Theatre Scotland

“Delightful wit and whimsy.”
★★★★ One4Review

“A very happy hour of nonsense.”
★★★★ North West End

Entry requirements: 14+

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