Story Slam END OF YEAR SPECIAL 2024 ✨ at The Wardrobe Theatre
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A event held at The Wardrobe Theatre on Sunday 15th December. The event starts at 14:00.


✨ It's that time of year again! Get ready to send off the year with a bang at the Story Slam END OF YEAR SPECIAL 2024! ✨

It has been a big year for Story Slam! This year we celebrated our 10 year anniversary and hosted more events and storytellers than ever before! With the launch of our spin-off show Spicy Slam, and several workshops and extra events, we've hosted 21 events this year!! Thank to everyone who has supported us over the years, and it's time to celebrate the turning of the planet and the passing of the year with another new year special ✨

Whether you're seeing family this winter, embracing the festive season solo, or nestling up with friends, come cap off the year with us on December 15th, when we will be transforming the theatre into a sparkling festive scene ✨ Expect the usual partying, decorations, food, drink, gifts, and our annual group photo! ⚡
Story Slam is where you can hear people's amazing true stories, told live on stage. Come and share your own story, or simply come along and enjoy everyone else's.
Wanna tell a story at the event? No need to get in touch, simply arrive on the day and follow instructions to submit your name.
Our events are held every third Sunday of the month at the beautiful Wardrobe Theatre in Bristol. And we also have a podcast! Simply search 'Story Slam Bristol' in your podcast app of choice ️❤️
There is no strict theme at our end of year events, you should feel free to tell whatever stories you would like! However if you would like a theme to prompt you, you are invited to tell stories on the theme of Lights. ✨
Stories of everything that glows, dazzles, and illuminates. ✨Fairy lights, Christmas trees, and the flicker of candles. Headtorches, bonfires, and headlights on a long road. Neon signs, stargazing and shooting stars. Birthday cakes, explosions and housefires. Moments when the lights went out, or when they came on at just the right time. Fireworks, lanterns, and streetlights. That time the power went out, that time the Christmas tree caught fire, or when the batteries ran out on the flashlight in a dark place...
Have you got a story about Lights? Then come share with us at the Wardrobe Theatre on December 15th ✨
£5 Concessionary price (students, OAPs, unemployed, low-wage, etc.)
£8 Full price
Live stories must follow a few simple rules, they must be:
• True
• Told in 5 minutes or less
• Stories. No rants, stand-up routines or monologues. (A story has a beginning, middle and end with some change and/or conflict having occurred)
• Told in first person. You should be a major character in the story.
• Told without notes or props.
In the interest of making the Story Slam a safe and comfortable place to be, storytellers are able to attach content warnings to their stories, to warn of any sensitive or distressing topics. Details of how to do this will be explained on the day. Content warnings are read out before each story to give people a chance to leave the room if they so wish.
The venue has full step free access to the theatre and the stage. If you have any specialised requirements to attend that we can help with, please get in touch.
Story Slam has no age limit. However the live and spontaneous nature of the show means that profanity and adult themes are to be expected. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult, but parental discretion is advised.
Contact ✉️

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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