The Art of Quantum at The Trinity Centre
Under 18s free, must be accompanied by an adult min 4:1

A event held at The Trinity Centre on Sunday 13th April. The event starts at 14:30.

• Ever wondered how a quantum particle moves, or how a dancer might move to express it?
• Ever pondered what kind of technology we are really likely to get out of quantum physics and what place there might be for you in achieving that?
• Ever tried to imagine what you’d look like if you could see yourself made up of quantum particles?
• Got a burning question about quantum phenomena you would love to ask an expert working in quantum science and technology?
• Or would you rather see an artist put it to you in different terms?
To celebrate the UNESCO International Year of Quantum Science and Technology and mark World Quantum Day, we invite you to join us for a day of all things quantum in science, technology, art and dance.
The day includes talks, a panel discussion, workshops, an exhibition including all sorts from interactive quantum art to careers information and quantum inspired dance theatre. With representatives from the University of Bristol’s research community, the quantum industry, and arts and culture this is the place to really discover quantum.

First 30 tickets booked - free of charge from Sunday 23rd March 7am

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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