We the Uncivilised at The Pickle Factory
See event details

A event on Thursday 6th February. The event starts at 18:30.

For anyone interested in community, activism, permaculture, commoning, and collaborative futures.

This film features an array of inspiring people, including the late Bristol
Permaculture teacher Sarah Pugh, and the infamous Bristol permaculture hero Mike Feingold.

8 years on, the 'film's' wisdom is just as relevant today - and cinema-goers are guaranteed to leave with a warmth in their belly to kick-start and connect in 2025.

The Pickle Factory, 13 All Hallows Rd, Easton, Bristol BS5 0HH
6.00pm : doors open / grab a brew & cake
6.30pm : film 90 mins
8.00pm : comfort break
8.15pm : question time
9.00pm : end of evening

£7 / £5 : incs cake and a cuppa
All profits to Lily and Pete & the Bryn Cynefin Permaculture Project

Accessibility info:
Unfortunately the cinema space at the Pickle Factory is upstairs, so is not accessible to anyone unable to manage stairs.

Disillusioned by a cultural story of consumption and alienation, a newly married couple are called to action. Carrying with them their unborn child, they embark on a year long journey around the UK, searching for the seeds of an alternative culture and with it hope for the future.

Without any prior filmmaking experience, they borrow the money from a friend to buy a second hand film camera, and set off with an intention to share their experience.

We follow the filmmakers’ quest on this intimate journey as they speak to grassroots activists alongside the pioneering voices of Satish Kumar (The Ecologist), Polly Higgins (Ecocide Lawyer), Mac Macartney (Embercombe), Bruce Parry (Explorer), Mark Boyle (Moneyless Manifesto),Martin Shaw (School of Myth), Glennie Kindred (Artist and writer), Patrick Whitefield(Permaculturist) and Simon Fairlie (The Land). On this quest, they take with them a question – What could an uncivilised world look like?

‘wetheuncivilised, A Life Story’, is a grassroots documentary film project that seeks to challenge the ‘civilised’ story of separation. The film looks at the points in our lives when we have an opportunity to tell a new story, and to step into an ‘uncivilised’ world of relationship, connection and belonging.

WATCH THE TRAILER HERE: www.wetheuncivilised.org

The Tour
Lily and Pete say:
“We have been greatly inspired by the Shodh Yatra, which is an Indian term, that means: “to undertake a journey for the search of knowledge, creativity and innovations at the grassroots” – information is carried from one village to the next, and shared in order to perpetuate and evolve vital skills.
By providing the conditions for informal, spontaneous relationships, we hope that the community screenings will be an opportunity to seed ideas, collaborations and opportunities for people to get involved in creating sustainable solutions for positive social change, rooted in the permaculture ethics of fair-share, people care and earth care.”

Satish Kumar: https://www.resurgence.org/satish-kumar/
Polly Higgins: http://pollyhiggins.com/
Mac Macartney: http://macmacartney.com/
Martin Shaw: http://www.schoolofmyth.com/
Glennie Kindred: http://www.glenniekindred.co.uk/
Patrick Whitefield: http://patrickwhitefield.co.uk/
Simon Fairlie: http://www.thelandmagazine.org.uk/

Entry requirements: no age restrictions (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult over 21yrs, 1:1 ratio)

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