AFTER ALL at The Mount Without
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"Ever imagined your own funeral? Solène Weinachter brings hers to the stage in this poignant and comedic dance theatre piece, de-stigmatising death and celebrating life while poking fun at our stuffy maudlin remembrance mores. Another home-run for Impermanence and the Mount Without! "

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A event held at The Mount Without on Tuesday 8th April. The event starts at 19:30.

AFTER ALL is a show about death by Solène Weinachter.

It is a celebration of our vulnerable and courageous existence using dance, theatre, storytelling and comedy to ask: how do we deal with the end?

By exploring various funeral rites - ones we have, ones we have lost, and those yet to be invented - choreographer Solène Weinachter confronts our transition between worlds head-on. AFTER ALL is a hopeful attempt to conjure a better sort of space for us to be with loss and collectively contemplate the finite nature of our lives.

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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