Drag Queen Bingo: Anti-Valentines Pity Party III at The Love Inn
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A event held at The Love Inn on Valentines Day. The event starts at 20:00.

We're almost ready for our famous Pity Party BUT WAIT... all the queens are previously engaged?! Leaving Bristol's most notorious queen, RED, to fend for herself on the most famous couples holiday?!? How will she face this SHEMERGENCY?!?!?!

Calling all singles, sluts & solo riders (& couples who love a thrill)!

Are you gonna spend all your money on something classy this year or get absolutely piss-arsed with a drag queen as she sings, dances and bingo calls her way through the best Pity Party in town?

Expect cabaret, prizes, original music and irreverence galore!

Stick around for a boogie with DJs from 10pm: https://hdfst.uk/e121128

Venue: ❤️ The Love Inn ❤️
Tickets: £10 advance
Doors: 7:30pm
Show: 8pm - 9:30pm

Tell your friends, see you there!

Entry requirements: 18+

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