held at The Golden Lion
on Valentines Day. The event starts at 19:30.
The Valentines Day Mascara,an event on day of Valentines 2025
Brought to you by Camemberts Box of Delights and Row of Ashes
Massively for fans of Sludge Metal and Doom Metal and a dose of Hardcore Metal, featuring four bands with a strong musical connection.
People have been saying to me it's about time we see Row of Ashes and Gnasch together,so here we go
ROW OF ASHES , GNASCH, And URZAH all on one line up on the most romantic of evenings at the splendid local venue,The Golden lion, Gloucester Road.
If you concerned about public transport,the First Bus numbers 73,74,75 and 76 all run pretty close to the venue and pretty regularly.
And now with added TENDRILS from South Devon
So full line up with music starting at 7.30pm
Note, Empire of Dust will no longer be joining us due to alternative commitments