held at The Fleece
on Tuesday 12th November. The event starts at 20:00.
TROPICAL FUCK STORM • www.tropicalfstorm.bandcamp.com
MARIA ISKARIOT • www.instagram.com/maria.iskariot
It's been two years since our favourite Australian post-apocalyptic acid punk disco scuzzheads, Tropical Fuck Storm, toured Europe. And while we can't blame EVERYTHING terrible that's happened since then on their absence, it does make you think.
Luckily, our heroes are bringing their wild, destructive and unstoppable live show to a stage near you this Summer! Thrill to the interwoven shredding of guitarists Gareth Liddiard and Erica Dunn, feel the bone-rattling basslines of Fiona Kitschin, and marvel at the mind-boggling drumming of Lauren Hammel. Move over Barnum and Bailey, because there’s a new Greatest Show on Earth and it’s coming to YOUR TOWN!
"A Tropical Fuck Storm gig is like putting your brain in a blender for an hour straight" Beat Magazine
"In Tropical Fuck Storm’s determination to engage as fully as possible with the reality of human existence, in all its ugliness and contradictions, they are tapping into its truths." The Quietus
“Tropical Fuck Storm are masters of tension and release.” - The Guardian
“Tropical Fuck Storm Stir Up A Psychedelic, Dadaist Spectacle” - Bandcamp Daily
“A messy, hyperverbal, supremely danceable monolith.” - Aquarium Drunkard
14+ event (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult)
Presented by Gravy Train.
GT events • www.gravytrainbristol.co.uk
Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio