Knife Liibrary; Bernardo Kerr/Dan Johnson; Yarrow at The Cube
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"Rejoice, ya ****s! It’s a rare public offering of Knife Liibrary’s bitter piano murder ballads, spewing forth from the MXLX vortex of spiralling insanity/genius. Essential acoustic spleen FFO: Nick Cave, Swans (the beautiful bits), GSYBE!, Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter."

Join the Headfirst mailing list for our unbiased recommendations.

£8 Full/£5 Concession

A gig held at The Cube on Tuesday 8th October. The event starts at 20:00.

Liquid Library presents

A return to the cube's auditorium for an evening of freaksound and auditory magick


A rare live outing of Knife Liibrary, one of the alter-egos of local noise shaman Matt Loveridge (MXLX) in support of the recently released TO LOATHE... album: The piano is full of blood, the piano has a voice, the voice is filled with blood.


Bernardo Kerr joins us to bring his ritualised noise collages to life with improvised sound design and live drums by scene legend Dan Johnson: It is related that one day they came upon Majnún sifting the dust, his tears flowing down. They asked, ‘What doest thou?’ He said, ‘I seek for Laylí.


Free improv chaotes and collaborationists Yarrow are a duo of Charlie Miles on drum kit and objects and Emmy Broughton on Harps and Woodwinds playing rarely in time and often in tune: ripened, the root cause of death and destruction of all worlds.

Entry requirements: 18+

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