Enlightenment Careers Fair - After-Life Tours™ at The Cube
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"A parade of illustrious deceased bards channelled through the bodies of Bristol’s most outrageous gaggle of performance art gremlins? We’ve fact-checked everything, and that’s the most we can glean from this spurious and mystical offering that’s got more dead-ends than a Dan Brown past life regression transcript. Expect esoteric post-truth poetry and puppetry with lashings of Dante drag for downtrodden and curious souls. "

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A event held at The Cube on Thursday 21st November. The event starts at 19:30.

*Note this event contains haze, flashing lights, nudity, and impossible geometry*

Here, in the forest dark
in which the straightforward pathway had been lost;
each sin is a mirror.
the sleeper seeks an awakening
the sleeper seeks its penance

In this journey, you shall not merely witness the fate of sinners—you shall become the architect of your own salvation.

Free yourself from the weight of your adharmic deeds.
- Those avoiding therapy WILL BE JUDGED.
- Your inauthentic selves WILL CEASE TO BE.
- Those chasing validation on social media WILL BE IGNORED.
- The sick and the depraved WILL BE CLEANSED.
- Those engaging in toxic relationships WILL BE DISSOLVED.
- Those who do not separate their recycle WILL BE BURNED.
- Procrastinators WILL BE BURIED.
- Petty bureaucrats WILL BE EXILED.
- Self-deniers and joy avoiders WILL BE PURIFIED.

'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas,' that is his wrong view. Now, there are two destinations for a person with wrong view, I tell you: either hell or the animal womb." - The Buddha (SN 42:2)

In this journey, you shall not merely witness the fate of sinners—you shall become the architect of your own salvation (SINNERS WILL BE PUNISHED AND WE HAVE ALL SINNED - see Romans 3:23)

Those who have sinned in bloodsheed shall drown in blood
Those who have sinned in lies shall wallow in the fever
Those who have sinned in envy shall be blinded in mist
- see Exodus 21:24

'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas,' that is his wrong view. Now, there are two destinations for a person with wrong view, I tell you: either hell or the animal womb." - The Buddha (SN 42:2)

Like the tree which grows limp along the ground is in need of the stake so too shall the wayward souls be bound and reformed. The dross of your former self shall be burned away, the sins which once dragged on you like chains shall be naught but rust. - see Sahih al-Bukhari 5641

Here, each sin is a mirror

Fear not the flames, for they do not consume but illuminate! "Look upon these torments," Virgil shall say, "and see the consequences of your desires. For in this abyss, you shall learn not to flee from sin, but to understand it, to own it as the artist owns his creation."
Where sin is not shunned but embraced, where pain is not punishment but purification.

"Rejoice in this suffering!" cries Virgil, "for it is the furnace in which your spirit shall be tempered, the crucible from which you shall emerge anew, cleansed and whole."

The weights of your sins shall fall from your shoulders like the shedding of old skin, leaving you lighter, freer, and nearer to the light of understanding.

For in this sacred fire, the dross of your former self shall be burned away, and what remains shall be pure and untainted."

You shall find that the sins which once clung to you like chains have been transformed into the very wings that now lift you toward the heavens.

Our team of sages, priests, prophets, and saints will expunge your karmic debt in ritualistic torment.

Lest the procrastinator and those who seek validation on social media be spared not their final and rightful judgement!

Zaron Mizmeras
Monika Badly
Bean Pig Puppetry
Henry Wilson

-=={[> through the Ethᚱic BondX_x_X_X_=Reclaiming the primordial void→→...↳the →→Space before sin, before time, before cause==effect====. ⛓Escaping Samsara===**** Breaking the Code∞∞The code is ~~~~~~~K▲▲RMa]]]]]]][== ~~~~+∞. ((⊗)) The POET has-become an exorcist—(Purge the soul's code))—CHANTS through-the-mouth-OF-[⨁⌐⊕⌐⊕⊕]—::SyMbol-etched-in-the-skULL ((N-SB-trapped-in-television static—watching::movies-about-turtles. «Ritual-Auto-sacrifice!!!-broadcast-live!!!-through-the-CYBERnetics-of-the-MYTHOS!!!»), ...<>H⧸⧹<>-puncturing the BLACK TARPX-coding-the-soul;))the SILENT████[[[CONTRAPASSO]]]████ is a TREMOR in-the-Void. THE PROCESS IS ((CONFLICTION))-Creation-D E V O U R S THE DE∇ICED***!! ᑌNBOUND...ᗩScending/A/d/e/s/c/e/n/d/i/n/g—— (escape>><><<↻↻↻↻, K(((ARMA turns-back-to-BITE-the-Poet’s-hands-FROM-WHICH-WORDS-&-BLOOD-DROP-)’)’) the S~ACRIFICIAL ACT===...)...( ^.^.^)...ASLIGhtning-bOltz-++=fl^ashes!from-the-poets-handz%^%^%^%^%%SPLATTERING-ACIDIC-INK!!!onto-the-painTZ%&∞%…the-Karma-bites-back! (contrapasso@@;[[every-act-of-violence-against-the-KARMa<<>>is-a-”Scream”<>>>against-the-SELF!==-IS-a-TORMENT...)]): ==Everything is-Complicated: when-you-attempt-to ~—(b)URST-the-karma$chains)-—~. (BINDING))))-of-the soul in-tHe ∆infernal grid—the page≡≡≡≡≡≡≡turning BLACK: the-torrential-downpour of->#PENANCE-...<<<<]]]]]-=-=—COLORS/BURSTS/OF/NEW/BLACKSMITH/POEMS-//////////>>>>>>>>...))))∞∞∞ [SPECTRAL/PLASMA]_{dreamt-from-the-labyrinth of memories past-massacred, bUT-the-EXTRACTION OF-THE ∆PURITYΔ is a painfUlllL SCREAM. ...+++((ℵ)(the “POET”)—scratches new lines from-blood-stained fingers—un-#Ravelling-the-code-of-existence-INTO/THE/REWRITTEN/TEXT—where/sins/are/echoes of the Self****—(((the-self-(-=—>><<—>-))<~ >encoded into the wheel of KARMIC CONTRAPASSO---> The wheel||||bends to break itself... and-((----(--THE_Soul_is-freed as_the_Code-runs to⧧[[[ZERO!]]]⊗⊗⊗===. Λ!!!WRITINGS![[[]]=>the blade’s edge is soft—against—the—hardened—chains of Karma-[[!!!———>>>then-the-pages-turn-to-Rain<>><<><<<. The words (((BITE the soul, & the soul bleeds OUT<>onto the black tar))), these are (((flaming verses)))......AND THEN, the wheel... stops. ©§& ⧧⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗∞…⧝⧝⧝⧧∞...A—=>[[[[==EXIT==(((]]]]]]]]\...writing/penance...BLACK]...Karma...burned...[-∞∞∞∞∞∞∞]

Visit the European Enlightenment College at www.enlightenment.college to join our family of devotees

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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