" The acid dub professor Om Unit launches his Roland 303 into outer space, live! Weightless bleep techno devoured by the mixing desk - it’s a low-key revolution for the Bristol chameleon alongside Rotterdam’s most triumphantly unpredictable selectress Mad Miran on 4am duties. Big big trip FFO: Dadub, TM404, Andrew Weatherall, Zion Train, Disciples. "
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See event details
held at Strange Brew
on Saturday 15th March. The event starts at 22:30.
Saturday 15th March // 22:30-04:00
Strange Brew presents the launch of Acid Dub Studies III, the latest instalment in Jim Coles' @omunit acclaimed series.
The new album explores the 303 bassline in a dubwise setting, blending traditional dub mixing with roots/digi-dub styles, and making space for electronic and ambient elements to close the project.
After touring the material at festivals and clubs like CTM at Berghain, Les Nuits Sonores and Andrew Weatherall's Convenanza festival, the result combines 5 years of experimentation and a truly ground-breaking approach to the 303.
Joining the back room is queen of the scene @Mad Miran, known for her infectious genre bending energy behind the decks, plus Bristol bossman @Farrell.