"Monochrome made a blood oath to extreme ugliness in all forms, and the hex has not been lifted! Another weekend splatterfest of pummeling deathgrind, cybernetic queercore and….noise accordion? Gruelling highlights include Black Curse’s ludicrously blackened death-magick, Gretchen Guttersnipe in solo anarcho-gabber psychodrama, graveyard-bating OSDM from Coffin Mulch + all the bands we’ve never heard of, yet can’t unhear ….. "
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See event details
held at Strange Brew
on Saturday 12th April. The event starts at 13:00.
Once again, Monochrome presents a defiantly uncompromising programme that puts extreme metal and abrasive experimental music in the same room, gaffer tapes the door shut and asks them to play nicely.
So while you will certainly find a good deal of metal on the bill, let's not let "genre" get in the way of a good time. Monochrome is a broad church, welcoming folks that might not necessarily feel at home at a conventional "metalfest".
Now expanded into a 2 day event, Monochrome will open on Friday 11th April at the Moor Brewery. Increasingly the venue of choice for Bristol’s DIY scene, Moor is the perfect place to cut the ribbon on a weekend of sonic excess.
On Saturday 12th, we return to Strange Brew for a full day of relentless back-2-back ugliness across 2 stages, before retiring to The Gryphon for a nightcap / to dance to gnarly music until 3am (delete as appropriate).
AJA IRELAND - Hyper-Industrial (UK) https://ajaireland.bandcamp.com/
Using unsettling noise, experimental techno and deconstructed club, Aja Ireland's distorted beats combined with intense performances, costume and visuals make her part noise artist; part living, writhing, screaming sculpture.
KNIFEDOUTOFEXISTENCE - Power Electronics (UK) https://knifedoutofexistence.bandcamp.com/
Founded in 2013, Knifedoutofexistence makes emotionally charged, feedback drenched soundscapes using tapes, guitars, synths, vocals, microphones and feedback.
Kathmandu’s mightiest riff master meets Leeds’ most diabolical blasting maniacs to concoct a relentless onslaught of hyperactive grinding death metal.
TRAIDORA - D-Beat Punk (UK) https://metadonarecords.bandcamp.com/album/un-cuerpo-trans-lleno-de-odio
A dangerous discharge of Latin American d-beat punk. Formerly a one-woman-project, Traidora is now on the road as a vital and ferocious four piece. They talks about migration, about queerness and especially about trans liberation. The songs are short, fast, and full of rage and fury.
CONQUEROR WORM - Moog Grind (UK) https://conquerorwormuk.bandcamp.com/album/hack-job-split-2
Conqueror Worm are Bristol's own grinding noise outfit, featuring members of Human Cull and Atomçk. Bass, synth, drums and shrieks welded into a cacophony of blasts, sci-fi diatribes and wall of noise riffs. Like The Locust meets Bastard Noise trapped in a bin.
PUDDLE BRAIN - Harsh Noise (UK) https://puddlebrain.bandcamp.com/
Contact mic worship from Bristol's head egg enthusiast. Piercing feedback, twisted cassette samples and blast of distortion atop an ironning board found in a co-op car park.
CONCRETE WINDS - Deathgrind (FN) https://concretewinds.bandcamp.com/
CONCRETE WINDS have always gone further than any recent extreme metal outfit and leave out everything that's established in music, cut off what became comfortable in metal, and blow away what still feels "appropriate" in extreme metal.
WOLF EYES - Avant Noise (US) https://wolf-eyes.bandcamp.com/
Formed in the fall of 1996, Wolf Eyes hey are known for their bizarre and otherworldly music, creating a sound that is both disturbing and hypnotic. They have a well earned reputation as one of the most frightening and weird bands in the world
BLACK CURSE - Blackened Death (US) https://blackcurse-svr.bandcamp.com/album/endless-wound
Combining ripping, violent rhythms with razor sharp riffing and trancelike pulses, Black Curse creates true malevolence. The band rips open (un)holy portals to times when Black and Death Metal shared the same principles, the same aesthetics, and the same diabolical wrath.
PETRONN SPHENE - No-Wave Rave (UK) https://arcanepariahrecords.bandcamp.com/album/exit-the-species
Also known as one half of the Leeds xenofeminist crisis energy rock duo Guttersnipe along with her other solo project The Ephemeron Loop, Petronn Sphene is the singular manifestation of queer punk cyborg convulsing body music known as “No Wave Rave”.
SLIMELORD - Death Metal (UK) https://slimelord.bandcamp.com/
Slimelord emerges from the shallows with a perplexingly delightful weirdo ripper of supernatural horrors and idiosyncratic dirge.
MIRUSI MERGINA - Cosmic Horror (NL) https://mirusimergina.bandcamp.com/
Through an intricate blend of raw synths, voice-driven soundscapes, and haunting drones, alongside captivating noise and entrancing mantric rhythms, Mirusi Mergina channels the essence of cosmic horror, unveiling the enigmatic depths of the inner self.
ZBIGNIEW CHOJNACKI - Noise Accordion (PL) soundcloud.com/zbigniew-chojnacki/zbigniew-spy-thoughts
With his accordion and heaps of live electronics, Zbigniew Chojnacki is out for musical risks without a lifebuoy. hIS fiery improvisations pulsate between sinister drones and intense noise assault. Truly one of a kind.
MATRAK ATTAKK - Crustcore (FR/IT) https://matrakattakkcrust.bandcamp.com
Matrak Attakk stand up for anarchy and feminism, playing crustcore with a personal touch, trying to avoid clichés and copycats. Driven by rage, DIY ethics and a will to meet people all over the world.
SVARTVIT - Harsh Noise (NL) https://svartvit.bandcamp.com/album/eleven-in-the-morning
Sculpting corporeal sonic landscapes that pulsate with raw intensity. Through extensive manipulation acoustic sounds are held captive in the liminal space between their point of origin & grotesque indecipherable slabs of distortion.
VICTIM UNIT - Queercore (UK) https://victimunit.bandcamp.com/album/if-not-y-not
Cyber-grind queercore duo Victim Unit's amalgamation of harsh primal noise and disturbingly fierce riffs will leave you breathless and questioning how this sound can come from two gays and a drum machine. Their ethos is building a space for queer folx, SA survivors and people afflicted with mental health to collectively and safely come together to grieve our traumas and celebrate our identities.
GORGON VOMIT - Death Metal (UK) https://gorgonvomit.bandcamp.com/album/skeng-down-jah
North London's Gorgon Vomit's peddle a ferocious and bestial death metal. With lyrics mixing British and Jamaican Patois, vocalist Black Mane's Jamaican background is an ever present theme in their music. Still, the true metal laws of satanism, power, and punishment flow through the blood of the band undisturbed.
SEVENYEARWAITINGLIST - Grind Selecta (UK) https://pleasanthouses.bandcamp.com/album/transition-goals
To listen to Sevenyearwaitinglist's releases will only give you a hint of what their live set has in store. Yes, you'll be treated to intense bursts of chaotic cyber-grind, but you'll get them weaved together with snatches of pop bangers, hip hop anthems, and whatever else they feel like screaming their way through.
NO DISC - Absurdist Noise (UK) https://liquidlibrary.bandcamp.com/album/instant-error
The Solo noise troublemakers Territorial Gobbing and Error Control congeal into one high energy self-devouring frantic harsh noise generating thing. One foot planted in sense evicerating harshness and the other wet in the puddle of performance art fluxus happenings