Bleep Klub meets Escher at Strange Brew
£3+ donation

A event held at Strange Brew on Monday 25th November. The event starts at 18:30.

GUEST VJ SPECIAL WITH Holotronica projecting onto Hologauze from various VJ's including Puttyrubber, Hextatic and Dopper

Bleep Klub in the front and Escher in the back!

Now only £3 entry for all

Both Bleep Klub and Escher will operate as usual but under one roof for the first and not the last time.

Escher Music Connection is a space where local producers can come and hear back their new/WIP tracks on a top notch club system, in a room with other producers and artists. With no genre limitation or experience level required, it’s all about bringing people away from their studio/computer and out to meet people. We’ve had remixes pitched, records signed and plenty of collaborations born on the Escher dance floor. Tracks can be submitted online beforehand via the Escher Discord (found here) and we’ll have a DJ mix through them all over the course of the evening. Late comers/first timers bring a USB with your tunes on and we’ll squeeze them in throughout the evening!

Holotronica special!
Very Kindly Stu from Holotronica has offered to bring his Holotronic gauze system to project onto.
It will look AMAZING! We're also going to think of ways we can tie in sounds for the visuals and work together / mirroring each other.

is a collective of electronic sound producers and visual artists. Bleep Klub offers a space that bridges gap between studio/bedroom producers and performers. It’s a place to try out sounds and gear without the pressure of live performance. We offer musicians and VJs an open platform to experiment with others to a high quality production aesthetic.
This is a plug-and-play guided improvisation session that both looks and sounds dope. Current members come from a range of backgrounds such as sound engineers, visual artists, DJs, performers — from absolute beginners to long time veterans.
There’s plenty of space, so come along and see what we do, it’s very immersive.

VJ’s! due to limited screen space, its really useful to know who’s coming each time to plan wall space

£3 donation recommended

Set up from 18:30 session start at 19:30 MUSIC OFF 10:30 leave by 11:00pm

We provide: venue space, lovely sound system, mixing desk, power, sync options, projection

You need to bring: long cables, sync cables, multi-plug extension leads if you have a lot of
power requirement.

Visual folk are very welcome, we do recommend getting in touch first as there’s limmited projection space, but don’t let that put you off! get in touch.


For further details of what to bring etc

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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