The show was conceived and curated by Lail Arad in celebration of Joni Mitchell’s 80th birthday. The success of the sold out Roundhouse show led to increased demand for further shows, leading to this newly announced UK tour.
Described as “a perfect celebration of Joni Mitchell” and a collection of “heartfelt and intricate performances” by Get In Her Ears, the show offers “a truly heartwarming ode to the music of one of the world’s most inspirational artists.”
The female-dominated line-up, all celebrated singer-songwriters in their own right, will perform intimate, stripped back interpretations of their favourite Joni Mitchell songs in a loving tribute to one of the greatest songwriters and musicians of all time. Jesca Hoop, Lail Arad and Olivia Chaney, who all performed at the original Roundhouse show, will be joined by very special guests in each city: Rachael Dadd & Julia Turner in Bristol, Josephine Oniyama in Manchester and Rachel Sermanni in Glasgow, as well as Gigi Williams, a 2024 Roundhouse resident artist, on all dates.
With vocals and lyrics boldly at the forefront, ‘The Songs of Joni Mitchell’ showcases the magnitude of Joni’s repertoire through the new generation of artists she continues to inspire.
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