Monthly Myths with Marcus at St Anne's House at St Anne's House Community and Creative Hub - St Anne's Rd, Brislington, Bristol BS4 4AB
Free entry to all, these stories are your inheritance

A event on Friday 24th January. The event starts at 07:00.

A Storytelling performance based around two questions - 'Where do you find yourself in your imagination most often? & Where do your find yourself in the story just told?

The vision for Myths with Marcus is to create a space where African and European folklore come to life through oral storytelling, personal reflection and discussion.The old stories, when given the time and space, have tremendous power to give meaning, healing and beauty, to contemporary audiences and their lives. As someone of dual heritage—Black Afro-Caribbean and White European— each telling, has shown this to be personally true.

The platform has three core purposes:
Reconnect people with their imagination.
Reconnect people with their ancestors.
Reconnect people with themselves.

These reconnections, or re-memberings, are facilitated by two key elements: the stories and the audience's imagination.

At the beginning of the workshop I ask the audience to reflect with the questions, ‘Where do you find yourself in your imagination right now?’ Another way of phrasing this question is ‘if this moment in your life was a moment from a movie or a book which moment would it be?’ After awakening their imaginations, I will then perform an African or European folktale and ask the audience to reflect with the questions, "Where do you find yourself in this story? How does it resonate with your life?" This is where we begin to connect with our ancestors, making sense of our lives through the timeless tales that our ancestors have shared for generations.

Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio