held at SouthBank
on Sunday 16th February. The event starts at 19:00.
Synopsis :
Miss Pove, a political journalist demoted to reporting the soccer news, is called on to cover the ongoing presidential campaign. The frontrunner is the fifty something scion of a powerful French family who is a total novice in politics. Intrigued by this candidate, an old acquaintance whose past is less spotless than he claims, Miss Pove undertakes a surprising and oh-so-exulting investigation. youtu.be/nJSjja1y7GE?si=UDf6QavvNkPEEeDC
Why attend ?
The film is filled with a modern French humour and poetry revolving around the very serious question of human impact on our environment , and the conflict between what is needed politically and the funding of such ideas.
The filmmaker also interprets the main role and takes us through a neuro-diverse way of designing a riveting and moving film.
If you've got a smidge of French skills, you are in for a treat! Engage in dynamic movie discussions with Marie from Learnfrenchwithmissmarie.com, who will make sure you pick up new words and phrases along the way!
Drinks will be available at the bar.
£7 entry ( Pay more if you wish to support future screenings).