SOLDOUTPeople's Comedy:Yard party at PRSC
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A event held at PRSC on Friday 16th August. The event starts at 19:30.

There will be sun, seats, a bar, collectivist-shabby chic aesthetic, & some of the best comedians the UK has to offer.

There will be some tickets available on the door but we're judging by eye and can't make any promises, so arrive 7:20 if keen to attend and we'll see if we can get you in.

Winner - Best Comedy Format in Britain for Midlands and West (Chortle, 2024)
Winner - Best Themed Comedy Night in the UK outside of London (Chortle, 2023)

"PROPERTY IS THEFT. NOBODY OWNS ANYTHING. WHEN YOU DIE IT ALL STAYS HERE." - just some of the immortal words of the comic, George Carlin, under which the show shall take place.

For this night, we'll utilize the wonderful, open space for a revolutionary night at The People's Comedy for the first time ever.

The Yard stands at the inception of PRSC, and it's generally been used as the hub for anything that needs a hands on approach. It is the perfect location for graffiti workshops, painting, and building.
The site is home to three shipping containers, and an array of equipment and materials. The Bear, the Dolly against fossil fuels: you name it, it was built right here. Within the Yard there is a whole practice wall, and can be used for graffiti workshops in normal times.

Please note that fewer tickets will be available, so please ensure you book in advance to ensure yourselves seats! We're charging a bit more as a result to ensure we can all acts fairly.

Jomi Cruz as MC (Max Turner Prize 2023 finalist)
Elaine Miles (So You Think You're Funny? 2024 Semi-Finalist)
Elliott Brown ( semi-finalist in the 2022 Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year and Max Turner Prize 2022)
Mary Flanigan (BBC Northern Ireland’s Comedy Writers Room)
James Mileham (Semi-finals of 2024 So You Think You’re Funny; beat the notorious King Gong at The Comedy Store)
Emma Hughes
Vinny Shiu (Southampton Comedian of the Year 23; Semi-finalist British Comedian of the year 23; Bath New Act Runner-up 24)

(If it rains, we'll run it inside the PRSC space & offer £2 refunds on each ticket bought)

The People's Comedy formed in 2018 with the aim of platforming comedians with a message (think counter-culture, alternative, original) and ensuring that they're paid for their craft.

✔ Raised tens of thousands of pounds for comedians paid in-line with our equal pay structure

There is a bar which opens the same time as doors, from 7pm.
The show starts at 7:30pm sharp, so please arrive in time before then. And we really mean 7:30 start now!

More information about us at:

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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