"Transcendental drone ragas and drag country doo-wop from the margins, forever! Vibracathedral’s legendary egodeath ensemble freak-outs are a simultaneous re-enactment/destruction of the entire history of 20th century music. A stupefying, life-changing evening FFO: La Monte Young, Cindy Lee, Flower-Corsano, Jackie-O Motherfucker."
Join the Headfirst mailing list for our unbiased recommendations.
£13 standard / £9 concessions
held at Moor Beer Co
on Saturday 8th March. The event starts at 19:30.
Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control, Vibracathedral Orchestra have had to cancel their performance at Margin Forever this Saturday. We wish them well and hope to have them back to play for you all soon. They have been replaced on the bill by the Extatic Drone Allstar Orchestra, a brand new and spontaneous drone formation featuring local artists.
Margin Forever is over the moon to present its second offering of music from the margins (Forever). We will be filling the rafters of Moor Brewery with drone, skronk, noise and bliss.
The acts this time will be...
Noise guitarist supreme, also known as Mariachi. Twisting and stretching the instrument into true new forms. A lightness of touch with a fathomlessly heavy finish. Pure perfect chords pulled across protesting wood and scraped along through hissing amp tubes. Electricity hymns.
YOKE (Bristol)
Local free improv supergroup. Bending the trappings of "jazz" to their will. A delicate interplay of silence and power across drums, guitar, bass and more.
Cavernous dreamlike girl group Americana. A barely remembered dream of a country and time that never existed. A pop nostalgia for traditional forms that could one day exist. The Shangri-Las by way of Lynch.
We couldn't leave you without a good old dose of lush drone. Expect local faves, waves of sound, and a gong.
Tickets £13 or £9 concessions. No one turned away for lack of funds.