Satellite of Love: Helen Ivory & Martin Figura at Loco Klub
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"A Loko Klub literary communion: Satellite of Love’s monthly poetry gatherings return with headline readings from award-winning Norwich poets and visual artists Helen Ivory and Martin Figura, plus open mic spots for the aspiring verse-slingers amongst you!"

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A event held at Loco Klub on Wednesday 26th February. The event starts at 19:30.

Satellite of Love Poetry and Spoken Word run monthly events, workshops and writing retreats. Our monthly events at the Loco Klub offer a platform for local and touring poets, open mic and a community poem.

All languages welcome.

Open mic sign ups are currently open, please email [email protected]

We will have 10 'on the door' open mic slots available on the night from 7pm. If we are over-subscribed we will draw names from a hat.

Doors & Bar open - 7pm
Night starts - 7:30pm
Night ends - 10pm

The Loco Klub
Nr Temple Meads
Clock Tower Yard


Martin Figura’s collection and show Whistle were shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award and won the 2013 Saboteur Award for Best Spoken Word Show. Shed (Gatehouse Press) and Dr Zeeman’s Catastrophe Machine (Cinnamon Press) were both published in 2016. In 2021 he was Salisbury NHS Writer in Residence; the resulting pamphlet My Name is Mercy (Fair Acre Press) won a national NHS award. A second pamphlet from Fair Acre Press Sixteen Sonnets for Care came out in October 2022. His collection The Remaining Men ( Cinnamon Press) was published in 2024. He Lives in Norwich with Helen Ivory and sciatica.

Helen Ivory is a poet and visual artist. She received a Society of Authors Cholmondeley Award in 2024. She edits Ink Sweat and Tears and teaches for the National Centre for Writing Academy. Her chapbook Maps of the Abandoned City was published by SurVision in 2019 and the poem The Square of the Clockmaker is riding the rails as one of the Poems on the Underground. She has work translated into Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, Spanish. Wunderkammer: New and Selected Poems appeared from MadHat in the US last year. Constructing a Witch (October 2024) her sixth Bloodaxe collection is a PBS Winter Recommendation.

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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