OnlyGrans at Loco Klub
$10 - $12

A event held at Loco Klub on Thursday 19th September. The event starts at 20:00.

Introducing Geri, the old lady who bakes the best shortbread but distrusts "the gays“ because "that kind of thing just isn’t for her, love”. Join her as she searches for love by downloading Tinder and navigating the minefield that is online dating. From “explicit pictures” to “Hot MILFS” Geri sees it all and realises that her previous ideas about what love is and who ought to be allowed to love whom, need to be updated. It’s a coming-of-age show… but not as you know it! With its roots in clown, OnlyGrans is an excellent example of how comedy can be used to make serious issues accessible.

Entry requirements: 16+

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