held at L'Étoile Studio
on Wednesday 22nd January. The event starts at 20:00.
In this event, you will learn about the symbolism and folklore of Sheela Na Gig by using clay to create your very own take on her!
Sheela Na Gigs are figurative carvings of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva found throughout most of Europe on cathedrals, castles, and other buildings, especially in Ireland, England, and France. Believed to have pagan origins, nowadays Sheela is seen as an empowering symbol of female sexuality, fertility and birth.
ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME! Whether you have modelled clay before or are new to the art, the making of this figurine is easily achievable for all levels. Instructions and tips will be given to the absolute beginners while the more experienced will be free to experiment with more complicated making. Materials and tools provided. Please note that we will use red argilla or white clay (that can be fired or left to dry).
BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF WORKING WITH CLAY - Clay is a versatile medium easy and intuitive to use. When working with clay, individuals are involved in a meditative experience known to be able to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
COST: £20 Limited places: 10
WHERE: L'étoile Art Space - 18 West Street, Old Market, BS2 0BH. Please be aware that Google Maps redirects you to the opposite side of the road. The space is N.18.
DURATION: 2 hours
REFUND POLICY – Please note that the event is not refundable unless notified 7 days in advance to [email protected]
THE HOST Mireinart / Marta Isabella Reina
Marta is a visual artist who works on symbolism, folklore, magic, mythological and religious imagery (www.mireinart.com). Besides her illustration activity, she promotes tarot culture and heritage by organizing lectures, courses, and events in Bristol.
SACRED FEMININE and the Making of Goddesses Figures and Effigies
The Sacred Feminine (or Divine Feminine) is an energy in all human beings. An authentic and profound knowledge of it can help us to develop greater emotional balance and to proceed with certainty on our path of inner transformation living in a positive relationship with the feminine aspects within us.
There is a long tradition of celebrating the divine feminine in many cultures around the world involving the creation of statuettes and effigies of female goddesses. From the most ancient prehistoric mother goddesses to the Greco-Roman pantheon, to the traditions of Celtic, Norse and Egyptian mythology and so on, we find many figures that have been honoured and celebrated all over time.