Mabon Rituals & Nature Crafts Workshop at L'Étoile Studio
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A event held at L'Étoile Studio on Thursday 19th September. The event starts at 17:30.

Mabon is one of the pagan festivals of the wheel of the year and it is celebrated by the time of the Autumn Equinox occurring on the 22nd of September.
Ancient Celts, pagans, and neopagans used this day to thank nature for a good harvest and to pray to their gods and goddesses that the crop would last throughout the winter.

After a short introduction to the festival and its symbols, we will make treasure of the summer harvest by making a doll or any other traditional home decor using straw, dried grass, flowers and herbs all locally sourced.

We will use this occasion to meditate on what we want to bring in the winter.

The event is offered by Mireinart & Lily Bloom, alias CRAFTS & LORE, a unique and fascinating way to explore folklore through art and crafts!

COST: £15 Early Bird - £20 Full cost
Limited places: 12

WHERE: L'étoile Art Space - 18 West Street, Old Market, BS2 0BH. Please be aware that Google Maps redirects you to the opposite side of the road. The space is N.18.

DURATION: 2 hours

REFUND POLICY – Due to limited places the event is not refundable unless notified 7 days before the event.

THE HOST Mireinart / Marta Isabella Reina
Marta is a visual artist who works on symbolism, folklore, magic, mythological and religious imagery ( Complementary to her work as an illustrator, Marta runs arts and crafts classes distinguished and connected to folk celebrations and festivities (like the pagan festivals of the Wheel of the Year). Some of the events are inspired by her studies of anthropology, and magical-religious practices. She also holds classes to increase knowledge and interest in the practice of tarot card reading and experiential workshops to work with dreams and dream material.

Lily Bloom / Lilian Martha May (bio)
Lily is a Bristol-based artist and works with a range of mediums and materials, most notably with Flora ( Lily is also a therapeutic arts facilitator and has worked in a variety of public and private sector settings. Her approach to her work surrounds themes of People, Planet, and Place and she seeks to provide accessible spaces for people to explore their creative selves.

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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