Jules Landau at Leftbank

A gig held at LEFTBANK on Thursday 20th March. The event starts at 20:00.

Every Thursday Leonie Evans Hosts Milestones at the Left Bank and invites special guests from all over the country...

20th- Jules Landau

Familiar to you perhaps under the guise of Jonah Flatfoot as the effervescent front-man, lyricist, rhythm guitarist, clarinet and blues harp player with The Zen Hussies. Jules also writes and performs his songs and poetry as a solo act, drawing on a wide range of blues, folk, pop, punk and swing jazz influences.


Leonie Evans

Originally from South east London, Leonie's been performing since the age of 5, playing every genre/instrument she can get her hands on and will be playing a mixture of her own songs and covers.

Currently performing with the likes of Rae, Owl Dolls, Good Biscuits, Honeyfeet.


Artwork every week by the incredibly talented Chloe Vallance all the way from Australia!



There will be a lovely quiet audience (you)

Its free to get in but a Donations bucket will be passed round a couple of times and they make a MASSIVE difference so please keep some pounds spare to support the musicians & help with their travel costs in some cases!

Doors from 8pm til 1am

Entry requirements: