Our recent recommendations for KIT FORM
Sell out warning! Jamaica Street Studios is saved! You’ll never see Surgeon’s patented pummeling Brummie techno in this intimate a space again…he might even help you with your piñata. Snooze at your peril.
It's party time at KIT FORM!
Repositioning queer memory as a kind of pagan burial practice, OOPART invite you to collectivise your experiences and petrify them in the communal bog in this intriguing 10 day intervention full of urban mythology, DIY idols and future-pagan performance art.
Exhibition Opening with Performances
Sell out warning! Ameet Hindocha breaks down the dizzying, fractal repetitions weaved deep into the foundations of classical and modern Islamic design. Pure stimulation for the brain and the eye - this free entry talk comes courtesy of APERIODIC's multidisciplinary mini-festival of geometric delights.
Ameet Hindocha will give a talk on the construction of geometric patterns in Islamic Art
A rare chance to create your own 16mm magic with French “darkroom alchemist” Gaëlle Rouard, leading a 2 day workshop on experimental filmmaking techniques like solarisation, using found footage, creating loops and performing with projectors.
BEEF presents Wild Solarisation, a two day 16mm film-making workshop with Gaëlle Rouard
Watershed overview of local queer photographers at the Brunswick Club’s new Turbo Island adjacent galley space, Kit Form. Elevating impassioned snogs and fleeting moments of dancefloor perfection into crystalline art. All proceeds go to trans creatives T4T and Medical Aid for Palestine.
An evening of contemporary queer photography in the style of Nan Goldin's guided slideshows, led by Bristol's photographers and artists.