Lucas Santtana at The Jam Jar
Headfirst Editor's Pick

"Lush next-gen tropicália, leaning on lilting pop samba rhythms and breathy bossa nova croon with unexpectedly giddy synth experimentation. Essential quirky and quietly-groundbreaking Brazilian sonics FFO: Céu, Tom Zé, Gilberto Gil, Arto Lindsay, Russo Passapusso, Luedji Luna."

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A gig held at The Jam Jar on Wednesday 24th April. The event starts at 20:00.

Konjo Sounds presents:
Lucas Santtana
The Jam Jar

Konjo Sounds presents... a true blend of Brazilian past and future wrapped up in one artist, Lucas Santanna. With a rich history of Brazilian sounds and culture mixed in with new technologies and techniques.

Plus, support from the sensational vocals and encapsulating acoustics of ÂELLIN.

This is not one to miss.

Born 1970 in Salvador de Bahia, son of Roberto Sant’Ana, legendary producer of the Tropicalistas (Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso and Santtana’s uncle, Tom Zé), Lucas Santtana was called upon by his elders to play on Tropicalia 2 and Gilberto Gil Unplugged, before braving the electro-rock of Chico Science and Naçao Zumbi (Manguetown). In 2000, he released his first album, Eletro Ben Dodô, whilst continuing to write songs for the stars of MPB, from Marisa Monte to Daniela Mercury, Céu etc.

In 2011, Lucas Santtana made his mark in Europe with the help of the British label Mais Um Disco! Who introduced the artist to DJ Gilles Peterson’s and his BBC radio programme Worldwide. In 2014, Santtana signed to the French label No Format! Who helped him to gain access to the Francophone world.

Entry requirements: 18+

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