held at The Jam Jar
on Thursday 25th January. The event starts at 20:30.
Half rave, half highland ball! A new spin on partner dancing, remix reeling combines traditional barn dancing and ceilidh with banging beats and basslines.
This is Rave-Ceilidh: Expect all the energy, smiles, sweat and chaos with none of the traditional music. No experience needed, Caller-MC's will talk you through every move. Don your tartan and do your stretches - it's time to dance with the whole room!
To warm things up we have the wonderful live duo Alex Garden (fiddle/guitar) and Danny Pedler (accordion) playing some lively tunes for your fix of the more traditional. Grab a drink, enjoy the sounds and get limbered up for the incoming Bass Ceilidh.
19:30 Doors Open
20:30 Alex Garden & Danny Pedler
22:00 Bass Ceilidh with Remix Reeling
Entry requirements: no age restrictions (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult over 21yrs, 1:1 ratio)