held at Exchange
on Today. The event starts at 20:00.
With Blxk Anto and Stargirrl
7:30pm doors
£3/5 Adv
Tii -
Tii is a visionary musician based in Bristol who blends jazz and cloud rap. With recent releases such as “Bravado”, “CUT.”, the dust collector, Tii has showcased his intrinsic storytelling through a confrontational sound. Recent linkups with producers such as Scruz and ThugsBunny have further highlighted his intricate lyricism and effortless flow on a newly emerging sound from the UK underground. Pushing the boundaries of music, Tii has garnered acclaim for his innovative fusion of the two genres.
Tii recently supported grime legend Manga Saint Hilare, further solidifying his presence in the scene. Whether live or in the studio, he captivates with a unique sound. As the musical landscape evolves, he stands as a trailblazer, offering a rich and immersive listening experience at the intersection of jazz and cloud rap.
BlxkAnto -
Ay up you lot! Blxk Anto a.k.a Mr Yorkshire Tea!! If we haven’t met already I’m a Bristol based MC who’s gona flow bars over your regulars 140 all the way to 170. Blessed to be back performing with sad2cu after a crazy year of growth and opportunities so best know your gona see my best bars to date so don’t miss out!
Stargiirl -
My name is Stargirrl and I’m a rapper based in Bristol. I was born in Birmingham at the centre of the grime scene as my dad was a grime/garage dj in my early childhood. I got into writing poetry from the age of 6 to articulate how I felt and much later to express my political frustrations. Last year I stated marking music and infused my grime background with a conscious lyrical sound. My main inspiration for this was John Glacier and Little Simz. There are also hints of electronic dance music underneath my nostalgic lyricism as result of my own djing background. I started this project to build a community around my music. My music is universal but a lot of it is for people often overlooked or on the margins of society.
My upcoming EP ‘Invisible Woman’ will be releasing later this year. But a couple more songs may be coming out before this. Everyone will be hearing my debut EP at my debut gig ;). Stargirrl is a constellation and would cease to have meaning without the other stars I can draw my stories from. So come to align :)
Please note the basement is not wheelchair accessible and is accessed by a narrow enclosed staircase. For more accessibility info, please email [email protected]
Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio