held at Exchange
on Friday 28th March. The event starts at 19:00.
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS CAT? are not a real band, they are a thinly veiled excuse to sell cat themed merchandise. They also happen to make really good indie rock music. Like Pavement, but way more sexy and fun.
Join them on March 28th for the release party of their EP, Warning!, and check out their debut single here: https://haveyouseenthiscat.carrd.co
6:45pm doors
£6 Adv
With Saint Ego, Billy Shears and Ihra Ashton
Please note the basement is not wheelchair accessible and is accessed by a narrow enclosed staircase. For more accessibility info, please email [email protected]
Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio