GAY FOR NATURE: foraging & wild medicine at Eastville Park
PayWhatYouCan: £5/£10/£15 low/mid/supporter suggested

A event on Sunday 28th July. The event starts at 18:00.

MEETING POINT: Eastville Park Car Park (here: From there, we'll pootle towards the Eastville Park Lake, then North towards Wickham Bridge.

CONTACT NUMBER: 07308740047 Ruby (they/them) ~ Whatsapp or Signal is best!

- A cup to try medicines with
- Something to write or draw with (notepad, sketchbook, pen, pencil etc.)
- A basket/bag to collect your forageables in
- A picnic blanket/something to sit on if you'd like

A guided foraging walk for gathering, identifying & learning about plants & fungi. We’ll get to know some of their uses as food, medicine, craft materials, and their significance within queer ecologies and histories. We’ll see some of the ways that nature completely defies binary thinking and hetero-normativity – how queerness is natural, just as nature is queer!

Following the walk, there'll be an introduction to some of the many ways we can make herbal medicine from wild herbs ~ with an opportunity to try tinctures, glycerites, teas & decoctions. We'll talk about herbalism, foraging & spending time in nature as resistance, as autonomous community care, as a way of growing resilience, imagining alternative futures (and bringing them into being!), and decomposing oppressive systems that work to disconnect us from our environment and ourselves.

There'll be some time to sketch or journal to get to know our foraged finds even more closely, or just be restful in nature and queer community if that's more what you're feeling. These workshops are about centering time to explore ourselves and our environment with playfulness, creativity, kindness & queerness! The aim is for them to be as radical and powerful as they are gentle and nourishing :~)

Some key info:
- The walk will be a very short distance and on mainly even or paved paths. We'll stop regularly to talk about the different plants and fungi growing around us, and there'll be plenty of opportunities for resting too.
- Lettuce know if you have any questions or requirements <3
- Tickets are pwyc with suggested donations of £5, £10 & £15 for low income, general and resourced. Please have a think about what ticket price you can comfortably afford and consider paying more if you are in a position to do so. No one will be turned away for lack of funds – please use the free ticket if costs would otherwise be a barrier to you attending this event! :~)

More links & contact:

Entry requirements: no age restrictions

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