Trump in Power: A Ruling Class Divided at Drawbridge
See event details

A event on Monday 20th January. The event starts at 18:00.

Do you feel overwhelmed by the pace of recent events? Do you find yourself wanting to do something, but not knowing what? Then this talk is for you!

Join us at…

⏰ 18:00

for a talk hosted by the Revolutionary Communist Party on world perspectives, where we will analyse recent events to reach an understanding of them, drawing out the lessons, so that we can prepare for the year ahead and build the revolutionary party on a solid basis!

No ticket required. But it helps to let us know you're coming if you get a free eTicket. Donations for tickets welcome (pay what you like).

We have a world to win and nothing to lose but our chains! Will you join us in the struggle against capitalism? ✊

Entry requirements: no age restrictions