held at Crofters Rights
on Saturday 2nd March. The event starts at 23:00.
This month's Bodywork see Warp Speed Chug at the helm in a space odyssey blasting off from the Crofters Rights.
The bare chested trio will venture half-throttle into the depths of space-time transporting all in the back room to a musical galaxy far, far away.
Señor Chugger, Count Van Delicious and DJ Seabass are primed to chug boldly where no-one e’er chugged before at the only speed they know - WARP.
With a flight-deck filled with Italo / Electro / Proto / New Beat this unflappable crew are the only men capable of bringing you to back to solid ground.
Fasten your seatbelts this ones going to get bumpy.