Canadian singer-songwriter Helena Deland is interested in how songs can express feelings and ideas that often escape everyday language.
Her debut album Someone New introduced a new and resonant voice to the indie music scene. She later explored soundscapes in a collaborative project with Ouri. Together, they released two albums, Hildegard and Jour 1596. After opening for the likes of Weyes Blood, Andy Shauf and Iggy Pop, she toured latest album, Goodnight Summerland across North America and Europe.
In 2025, she will be performing an intimate solo concert in Bristol, blending existing material with new songs, foreshadowing new music to come out in the near future.
Plus support from Olivia Kaplan
Presented by Bristol Beacon
Format: Standing
Age: 14+ (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult)
Performance times
Doors: 19.30
Start: 20.00
All timings are approximate and subject to change
Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio