Our recent recommendations for Bookhaus
Researcher and author Dave O’Brien joins Bookhaus and Rising Arts Agency to discuss newly revised work ‘Culture Is Bad For You’: a sobering analysis of the deep-rooted inequalities shaping the creative industries, and how race, gender and class dictate access to culture’s creation and consumption. Essential.
Culture is bad for you Inequality in the cultural and creative industries launch with Dave O'Brien
As TikTok is flooded by floral-clad female subservience influencers and figures like Andrew Tate threaten to brainwash a generation of boys with their hyper-macho grift, the fight against online misogyny grows more urgent than ever. Authors Cécile Simmons (‘CTRL HATE DELETE’) and Lois Shearing (‘Pink Pilled’) join Bristol academic Finn Mackay for a deep dive into digital patriarchy, far-right radicalisation, and the feminist fightback.
The Cyber War on Women with Lois Shearing and Cécile Simmons
Not motherhood, but radical motherdom! Author and researcher Alex Bollen is in-Haus to discuss her powerful debut book, an exhaustively researched takedown of the bogus science and media misrepresentations behind insidious mothering mythologies.
Motherdom: Breaking Free from Bad Science and Good Mother Myths launch with Alex Bollen
Decolonise Hollywood! Eye-opening Bookhaus launch and discussion with author Ben Arogundade, whose new work turns the spotlight on the Black actors and filmmakers erased from cinema history. A forensic and far-reaching look at discrimination, resistance and the journey to industry recognition.
Hollywood Blackout launch with Ben Arogundade
Activist and social movements researcher Jacob Stringer takes a timely look at the world’s emerging housing unions and the conditions that gave rise to them. Combining razor-sharp analysis, personal insights and practical strategies, 'Renters Unite’ is a powerful rallying cry against housing injustice. Tenant solidarity forever!
Renters Unite How Tenants Unions Are Fighting the Housing Crisis launch with Jacob Stringer