on Thursday 20th March. The event starts at 20:00.
This twisted and absurd one-woman comedy playfully explores our obsession with social media and the phenomenon of online shaming. Set entirely within a funeral, this show blends interactive ritual and physical theatre with a smattering of sardonic humour.
Watch Me Die promises to leave you squirming at the insanity of our attempts to Tik-Tok our way to authenticity.
A sex tape has just been leaked showing Petunia Power, a holistic well-being practitioner and Influencer in compromising positions. What's worse, there is evidence of funding her wellness operation with dirty money.
Almost instantly after the video being leaked, Petunia’s thousands of followers quickly disposed of any loyalty they had towards her. Wrecked by the passing of her profile, Petunia did the only thing that seemed sensible: she invited her trolls to the funeral…
Entry requirements: 14+, any under 18s accompanied by 21+ adult 1:1 ratio