Mission Statement

Headfirst is a local business operating on a not-for-profit ethos. Our aim is to be part of a wider positive movement that makes Bristol a diverse and caring place to live. We consider ourselves pro-community, pro-kindness and anti-capitalist. We regularly donate our booking fees to local causes.

Music, arts & editorial policy

In terms of editorial and event recommendations, we acknowledge that our ability to steer audiences based on our recommendations is a cultural responsibility. It is essential that we spotlight new ideas and support event organisers that take risks or challenge the status quo. By operating on a community-before-profit model, we are able to focus our editorial on the events that we feel genuinely bring the most value to Bristol, rather than those that promise the largest capacities or booking fee revenues. In turn, Headfirst's event recommendations have gained a reputation for being authentic and highly respected.


Anywhere where music meets money, gatekeeping is a huge issue. The "industry" part of the "music industry" is all too often privileged white men exploiting the work of the less privileged.

As an organisation founded and run by a privileged white male, it is essential that Headfirst maintains a consciousness of gatekeeping and works to be part of a positive change within the industry.


We believe that art and music's ability to break down stigma and prejudice is one of its most amazing qualities. It is clear that the more prosperous Bristol's queer culture gets, the healthier our wider scenes and communities become and Headfirst's commitment to lgbtq+ spaces, artforms and communities is unwavering and well known.


Despite being a multicultural city, culturally, Bristol is extremely segregated. We are keen to hear from and work with any venues, promoters, label owners, artists and performers that have ideas for events or projects that may contribute to making Bristol's arts more inclusive.

Donations & supporting local causes

After paying our staff a fair wage, Headfirst's profits are donated to local causes with a goal of raising at least £40,000 per year (please see our recently supported organisations page).

If you represent one the named organisations, please be aware the donations will be labelled as from either 'Headfirst Bristol Limited' or 'Harry Wiles'.

If you would like to suggest an organisation for us to support please do so here. We receive a lot of suggestions so appreciate we are unable to reply to form submissions.


Headfirst is a work-in-progress, we are a tiny team and our goals are ambitious! We exist thanks to the support of Bristol's amazing community spirit and we are eternally grateful to the venues, promoters, theatre producers, galleries, artists, performers, music enthusiasts and ticket buyers that make Headfirst possible. Thank you for seeing that we are different and helping us exist.

Thanks for reading this! — Harry and the Headfirst team


If you'd like to send us a message or ask a question, please visit our contact page.